Friday, November 24, 2017

Airplane Update #15

Today's post is going to be a little more exciting than usual. First up, here are the completed blueprints of the aircraft's interior structure:
The fuselage will be of a monocoque type (single shell), since the plastic is sturdy enough to not fall apart during flight. As for the wings and tail, there will be a system of ribs and spars holding the structures in place, since they are relatively thin and will break down without extra support. While the wings will be completely stationary, the rudder and elevator will each be controlled by their own servo, which will spin the spars up and down (or side to side) to provide the pilot with sufficient flight control. I did not add this electronic system into the above drawings so as to not make them extremely cluttered, but this will be a part of the 3D CATIA model once it is complete.

The other part of today's blog post is to show all of the electronic components soldered together and working properly. Here is the entire system with the battery, ESC, motor, servos, and receiver connected:
 A closeup of the battery plugged into the ESC plugged into the motor:
The transmitter:
And the servos:
Note that the motor is plugged into channel 3, the rudder into channel 2, and the elevator into channel 1. And finally, a video demonstration of the electronics:
The motor is pretty powerful (I didn't even go up to half of the max throttle possible), so I have high hopes that it will be capable of lifting the airplane from the ground! Anyway, I'll put up more updates soon as I get to work modeling this bad boy in CATIA.

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