Saturday, October 7, 2017

Airplane Update #5

As promised yesterday, here's the first complete exterior model of the airplane based off the designs posted yesterday:
Here's a picture of the front of the aircraft, where the propeller and engine will eventually be placed:
And here is a closeup of one of the wheels along with the framework supporting it:
This is the wing profile, from which the edge fillet can be seen more clearly:
And finally, a view of the airplane from the back. Note that the horizontal tail has an angle of attack of 0° (unlike the wing with an 8° angle of attack), and that both tails were smoothed out at the edge. The vertical tail design is also a little different from the original plans (the top surface is not as rounded as in the drawings), which I changed to make the entire modeling process a bit simpler. There is also a small "hook" near the end of the fuselage that will prevent the tail from smashing into the ground while landing:
Next up I'll solidify the framework holding the wheels (they look a bit thin/weak as of now), model the inside of the aircraft to account for the engine, motors controlling the tail, batteries, circuitry, support structures, etc, and run some aerodynamic simulations of the exterior in ANSYS.

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