Hi everyone, just wanted to make a quick status update with regards to what I'm currently working on.
First up is my progression with the airplane. A couple weeks ago I was on the verge of completing and publishing the results, as can be seen in the following image (before the wings were glued on, of course):
However, due to a succession of unfortunate mishaps in the form of a broken servo, horizontal stabilizers becoming unhinged from their rotating axles, and cracking of the aft portion of the plane's shell, I decided to simply remove the two back components (the right-hand-most pair of pieces) and reprint them from scratch. In addition to this, I split the aft-most part into three separate elements for easier handling when re-installing the stabilizers/servos:
I've also ordered a new servo which, once it arrives in the upcoming weeks, will allow me to finally finish this build.
On the programming side of things, I've been designing a 2D airfoil simulator in Unity, which will allow users to create their own airfoils and visualize the resultant airflow over them. The program currently supports five different types of foils (NACA 4-Digit, NACA 4-Digit Modified, NACA 5-Digit, NACA 5-Digit Modified, and Joukowski) and utilizes the Navier-Stokes solver I posted previously to solve for the flow; in addition to this, the velocity and pressure distributions around the Joukowski airfoil can be determined analytically alongside the numerical evaluations. I'll be releasing more information about these endeavors in the (hopefully) near future...
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