Monday, October 23, 2017

Airplane Update #10

Hi there, here is the updated sim of the velocity flow over the airplane, this time with the variation in the wing thickness fixed and the angle of attack on the horizontal stabilizers added (5.08°). Here is a front view:
Along with a back view of the aircraft:
According to the sim, air is still flowing much faster over the top of the wing than on the bottom, and is getting pushed downwards in the wake. Both these factors mean that ample lift is being generated for flight (as discussed in a previous blog post). The previous issue of vortices forming in the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizers is also now fixed, with the flow being much less turbulent and messy, thanks to the added angle of attack. However, there is still some fast-moving air at the bottom front of the airplane, which could hinder performance and elicit another round of small design changes. Overall, though, the shape of the airplane seems to behave pretty reasonably under standard flight conditions, and once that last issue is fixed I can start designing the interior structure and eventually run some structural stability sims. More to come soon.

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